Lillsmurfen berättar

Monday, June 02, 2008

Remeber Me (Please)

Remember that smile on your face
you've moved so far away
still I whisper your name!

I sent you a postcard
lyrics to our favorite song
you said you never saw it
I'm fading farther away from you!

I fly to your satellite sending signals to you
empty space, you're nowhere to be found
whatever road i take seems endless, you're never there!

Am i gone? will you be there again?
I wish in your heart you'd remember me...


  • At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hej, du borde byta ditt nuvarande lösenord. det har pågått ett hack mot många andvändare. ditt lösenord börjar med jk.. skriver inte mer än så. Må väl.


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